Trust, Borrowing and Stablecoins with Bojan Peček

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About this Episode

This episode of the #citizenweb3 podcast features Bojan Peček, Operations Manager of Liquity a decentralized borrowing protocol buid on Ethereum.

On their Website Liquity asserts that you can draw 0% interest loans against Ether used as collateral. Loans are paid out in LUSD - a USD pegged stablecoin.

We spoke to Bojan about Liquity and:
  • The value of traditional education in Web3
  • Freelancing
  • The upside of the financial crisis for Web3
  • The future of stablecoins
  • People as currency
  • The catalysts for mass adoption
  • Points of failure in projects
  • How trust is earned and lost in finance
  • How secure are multisigs really?
  • How borrowing is structured on Liquity versus other platforms
  • Startups

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